
Attleboro, MA – JB Machinery recently held their 2019 National Sales Meeting for the Americas. The meeting, attended by JB and XDS management teams and their representatives for the Americas, was hosted by Abbott-Action at their Attleboro, Massachusetts manufacturing facility. “We are very thankful to Sam Abbott, Chuck Slingerland and everyone at Abbott-Action for hosting our meeting and for their contributions to the educational portion of our meeting content”, says Warren Bird, President of JB Machinery. “The digital footprint in our industry is growing at an explosive rate, and the opportunity to learn from someone who is having great success in both the digital and analog markets is invaluable.”

JB’s annual meeting included a presentation from Abbott-Action VP of Sales & Digital Operations, Chuck Slingerland. His presentation examined Abbott-Action’s digital experience, journey to ‘Print Excellence” and the complementary culture that includes both digital and analog.

Welcoming the JB team Sam Abbott, CEO of Abbott-Action, spoke of how important mutually beneficial partnerships are to success, “We are excited to be working with JB Machinery. An Apstar fully equipped with JB assets is a sign of our dedication to Print Excellence and to providing superior products to our customers.”

The meeting also included tours of the facility with visits to Abbott-Actions Apstar RDC to see the latest JB products. The 66 x 110 inch, seven-color (2 over 5) Apstar 1628 RDC is equipped with JB ColorDry XL3000 Series™ IR dryers on each color, a ColorCure® UV curing system, KleenPlate® 3 automatic plate washing and print defect removal systems, InKomand® ink temperature, viscosity and pH control system, and VisionMaster® in-press dryer inspection and monitoring system.

At the heart of the system is JB’s KomandCenter® which brings all the JB controls together in one central dashboard for operator convenience and efficiency. Abbott’s KomandCenter features an optional 75 inch, dual sided elevated screen to allow operators to monitor system status and JB VisionMaster internal machine camera feeds from feed and delivery ends of the line.